Sunday, February 26, 2012

Changes in store for me...

I have decided again it is time to start taking care of myself. I have started to make some changes in my life. 

The first major change was to stop smoking. So far, as of today, it has been 5 days since I quit. I feel that that is a great start. I have done it before (quit that is) I can do it again. This time being forever.

My second major change is to get into shape and lose weight. Of course, this change will be just as difficult as quitting smoking but, it can be accomplished.

In order for me to get into shape and lose weight I need to change the way I eat and exercise. So, as of today, Sunday, February 26, 2012 I have decided to change my eating habits and started to exercise.

In order to do this I will have to track what I eat and how much I exercise. I have made monthly calendars to keep track of the exercising and weight loss and daily pages to keep track of what I eat.

As this is the beginning of my journey of changes there is not much to report on the progress but, I will try and journal my progress one week at at time to track how I have been doing.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

A New Tattoo...

No, don't worry it isn't I that got a new tattoo. It is Angi.  It looks great. A part of me is jealous. Oh how I would love to get another tattoo. Angi has this special way of expressing herself and what is great about that is she isn't afraid to show it.  I can only learn from her. Her outgoing personality, her way of carrying herself and her free spirit. To me these are special gifts. I can tell you though she has taught me to come out of my box, my comfort zone. I can only thank her for believing in me and allowing me to be myself.

Ashley and Chuck's Baby Shower 2-12-12