Saturday, April 10, 2010

Going to start living life in a healthy way....

For the last 2 years I have been struggling with some health issues. My main issues were the fatigue and weight gain. I have been seeing my regular doctor and all sorts of tests were conducted to tell me everything was alright. This still wasn't the case because, I will still tired and the weight gain continued.

I finally broke down and call the Metabolic Treatment Center. I heard an advertisement over the radio for this doctor. I really didn't know what I was getting myself into with this type of doctor. Let me tell you I am glad I did.

So far I have been there twice. The first time for them to spend at least 2 hours with you to get your background information, your symptoms, take blood and do an ultrasound on the liver. I was told by the doctor that with in the first 72 hours my blood pressure would drop. As long as I met the criteria of the center I would be able to be treated. If I didn't meet the criteria they would not be able to continue services with me. I like that fact that the doctor was up front with me. I would not know the results from the work up for another week.

The second visit the doctor went over the results of my blood work. There were a lot of results on the paper, not that I really understood what he was looking for. I will find out more the next visit as well as request a copy of the blood work up that he did. All I know if that he found out that there were levels that are very low. I have meet the criteria for treatment.

I know you are probably wondering well what is wrong. As it turns out, my liver is not producing the enzymes to help digest my food, which is return storing the food I eat as fat, and not producing fuel for my body. Not only did the doctor find this out for me, I was also informed about the auto immune that is attacking my thyroid. I go for an ultra sound on my thyroid the last week of April.

I know this was so much information to take in at once, and I am still trying to understand it all. Next week I will go for my third visit and learn about the disorder and learn to make the right choices where I will not have to depend on the treatment center. This is one of the requirements from the center. The doctor wants people to learn about the disorder and learn to live with it where you can live a healthy life.

Once I begin treatment I should see the following results: lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol, no fatigue, depression should go away. I am looking forward to working with the doctor and the treatment center. I will try and keep you updated as I learn more about the program.

Spring Term 2010

Monday starts the Spring 2010 term at Everest College. I am looking forward to classes starting. I will be enrolled in Computer Applications, College Accounting and a Management course. I am mostly looking forward to the College Accounting course because, Accounting will the the direction I am heading in after I finish my Associates in Business Administration. I was really excited to get my final grades in the Winter term. I finished the first three courses with A's. I was really excited as I was getting a little burnt out on those classes and I was just waiting for the last couple of weeks to end.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

First Term is Finished

I have spent the last 12 weeks buried with my head in my books. I look forward to the week off of not having to worry if I am going to get my papers done. I have just finished my first 3 courses at Everest College. I finished Strategies for Success, Introduction to Business Enterprise and Environmental Science. I knew online schooling was not going to be easy but, I am thankful for the support I received from my family. A special thank you goes out to my sister; if it weren't for her I don't think I would of made it through the 12 weeks. These last 2 weeks were especially hard for me to get through. I am looking forward to the week break!

Thank you Sherri for the countless hours you spent on the phone with me and going over my papers . It has helped me out a lot! I believe that I will finish with A's; however, I will not know until next week.

I start my next 3 courses the week of April 12th. I will start Computer Applications, Business Management and Accounting. I look forward to starting these classes. I know to earn my Associates in Business Administration that it will take hard work and all my spare time I have but, the payout in the end will be well worth it. As I continue my path of education please know that I appreciate all the love and support my family has shown. I love you all so very much!

Ashley and Chuck's Baby Shower 2-12-12