Monday, December 28, 2009

The plan for a makeover

I often wonder why I put myself through the dieting roller coaster. I realize though this time around it isn't going to be called a "diet". I will not be on a diet. My diets turn out hurting me than bettering myself. I am, however; redirecting my eating habits to a healthier life style. Not only will I develop a healthier eating style but, I will also incorporate a fun workout that will include working out on the treadmill, elliptical and workout videos. I come to realize that I like food just as much as the next person. I will not give up the foods I enjoy but, eat smaller proportion of a meal. If I go out to eat I will only eat half of what is given to me. Only I can make these changes but most of all I need to want to make the changes. I am now ready to do that.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

More changes to come

I mentioned earlier in my previous post that there were many more changes to come. I had made the first change last Wednesday on December 23, 2009. I had a hair change. I have more changes that I want to make in my life. Another change in my life is my weight. I will be working losing weight to where I want to be. A year ago I lost 30 pounds, and instead of maintaining and working on keeping it off, I ended up regaining all of the weight I lost. This isn't a new year resolution because I have never been able to keep to the resolution. This is a goal that I will try and work towards. This will be a long hard road but, with the support from my family and friends I know I will be able to accomplish this goal.

The best gift of all

The best gift I received was today, December 26, 2009. I was able to spend the evening and celebrate Christmas with my children. It was for the first time in a long time that we sat down and had conversations about what is going on in our lives, had a great dinner (I haven't cooked a meal like that in a long time), exchanged gifts, took pictures and played the game of Life. I couldn't of asked for a better evening. There was a lot of laughter and smiles. It is an evening that I will never forget!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

First of many changes to come!

The picture above was what I looked like this morning, and below the picture reveals the "new" me!

I am here, alive and doing okay!

Greetings to all! I just would like to start off by wishing everyone who reads my blog a very Merry Christmas and a joyous and blessed New Year!

I can't believe that is is December 23, 2009. Where has summer and fall gone? I believe the last time I blogged was in June.

In August of 2009 I started my Basic Algebra class at the local Community College. I ended up taking this math class because of how I scored on the placement test the community college gives. I am actually glad that I took this class. Sixteen weeks came and went, sort of like summer! I just received word that my final grade was an A.

I will be taking the next semester off, as I need some "me" time. I need to work on me.

I also am on a Friday night bowling league with my husband, Larry. We committed ourselves to 33 weeks of bowling on a Friday night. Maybe someone should of had us committed for doing that. Seriously though, we both enjoy the evening out as well as spending time with great friends.

In October I got the chance to visit my favorite sister and brother in law. Not only did I get to visit with them, we all got the chance to visit with mom. For mom's birthday, Sherri and Steve, our dad and myself paid for an airline ticket to Washington.I am so glad I took the trip to Washington! Next time it will be a longer stay! I had a wonderful visit, and I got to meet some very special people that are in my sister and brother in law lives!

Be expecting more from me in the near future. I will be making some major and minor changes in my life. Photos will be posted here and there.

Also, I would love to shout out a big hello to Vicki and Carolyn!

Sher - if you are reading this, which I know you check often, I will do the online bible study with you. Let me know when you want to get start on this adventure! Look forward to hearing from you.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

My Sister, My Friend

I don't think our mom in our early years of growing up would of ever thought we (my sister and I) would be so close. Growing up like most siblings there was a lot of bickering back in forth. For the most part, I being the younger of the two, was a pain in the butt in regards to my sister. Just the other day we were talking on the phone (we talk to each other on a daily basis), going back in time. My sister, whom I love so very much, apologizes for the "mean" things she did to me growing up. I will admit that I did just as many, if not more, "mean" things to her as well. I don't want my sister to feel like she has to apologize for the things that happened while we were growing up. I like to call them life lessons. For the most part it is just a part of growing every sibling encounters.

The photo of my sister and I above was taken in 1987. This happens to be one of my favorite pictures of us. My sister was just out recently visiting in May to take a trip to Iowa to see family. She flew into Chicago and was able to spend a few days before, during and after the trip. I was and still am very grateful that I was able to spend this time with her. She was there through some medical procedures that I had done, and I was so happy she was able to be there with me. Thank you sis for being there with me as I went through that medical procedure. That means the world to me!

My sister happen to bring my birthday card with on her visit. As you can see in the picture above the title is "My Sister, My Friend." This card has touched my heart and I want to cherish it for a long time. What I don't think my sister realizes is that the words on the cards should be said to her. She has for a long time now, opened her heart, her ears and her time to listen to me. It could be good things that have been going on, bad times that I happen to be enduring, but she is always there for me.

I can only hope that I can be the best sister to her as well as being a best friend to her as well. She means so much to me and I want her to realize that I love her with all my heart. I love you sis! Thanks for being the best sister and friend anyone can have.

Where have I been....

in a virtual world. My name is Teri, and I have a problem. I am addicted to Farm Town. Farm Town is an application you can find on Facebook. Yes, it is a virtual game. If you haven't quite figured it out by the name, Farm Town is where you can make and take care of your very own farm. Yes, you are a farmer. You can plow and plant the seeds to grow your vegetables. Add trees and even animals. As you earn more experience points you move up in levels. Every time your fields get harvest and sold to the market, you earn coins. Every time you plow and plant seeds you spend money. The only difference is the amount of time that it takes for each field to be ripe for harvesting. The more levels you move up through out the game the more items you can unlock and purchase for your farm. Currently, I am at level 25. I thought I would share this with you as I know curiosity has gotten the best of you. I have some family members (whose names I will not release) also have become sucked into Farm Town. Some more addicted than others. I know I need limits with this game as it has consumed countless hours of my time. Time that I could be using more wisely; however, I am after all a Farm Town addict. Do you dare to take a look at this virtual game? Would you be sucked in like the rest of us? Considered yourself warned as this is a very addicting game.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

You know it's Spring When....

everything comes alive!

This is my favorite season! Spring, when all of the plant life is waking up and coming to life. Each plant and tree supplying us with the most spectacular color! That beats the drab and gray during the winter that seem to last so long this year. I didn't think Spring would ever arrive!
Some of the tulips that I had planted should be opening up by the end of the weekend. I look forward to the tulips opening up! When I first planted this tulips I only grouped 5 bulbs together. Tulip bulbs reproduce every year; now there are 10. I have planted by the front of the house about 7 groups. I group the tulips like this so that each year it looks like a bouquet. The color of these tulips happen to be a very deep purple. I have other tulips planted around the house, but the colors are mixed. I plan on planting more tulips this fall. I am looking towards planting specific colors.
This happens to be my favorite plant of all. The bleeding heart plant. This one that is closest to the house happened to grow the best. It has so many hearts on the plant that I am just in awe.

More bleeding hearts! Each year the plant gets hardier and produces more hearts. It send chills to me as I see this beautiful plant in bloom.

This is just a larger view of the plant. I definitely don't have a green thumb for indoor plants; however, I don't seem to have any trouble with the items that have been planted outside. Thank goodness for the rain and the sun; otherwise I will be in trouble for sure with the outdoor plants!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Middle of April

I can't believe it is the middle of April. Where is the time going? I often want to go from March right on into May and skip the month of April. April is my most stressful month. It is testing time during the month of April for High Schools in Illinois. It is mandated by the state of Illinois that all juniors in high school have to take the Prairie State Achievement Exams (PSAE) as a graduation requirement. This year the testing dates fall in the 3rd week of April. In my responsibilities at work, the PSAE is one I really wish could fly right by. As I know, that is not possible. It is a very time consuming task. I usually start preparing for the PSAE in November/December.

To add even more onto myself, I am enrolled in my English 102 class. I enjoy my class; however, I have to start working on my research paper. I know I need to find a balance between work and my class, but I have been struggling to do so. I am the type of person that panics first; however, I know somehow someway everything works out. It always does, and I am always in awe on how things get completed. To be honest all the days just blend together and before I know it the month has gone by. Like now it is the middle of April.

If you don't see a lot of blogs (not that I blogged all that much) from me this month, you know that I am either buried with work or school work. Happy April!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

8 Weeks into the semester

It's been 8 weeks since I have started my English 102 class. Wow, how time flies when you are having fun. I don't know about most people, but I do know some who might think going to class isn't fun. I have learn to adjust into the class, and adapted to the instructor's teaching style. Today, I felt comfortable for the first time speaking out loud in front of the class. I am guessing it is because of the topics we were discussing, and I was able to relate to the essays we read about. Or it could be for the first time, I took the time, and answered all of the questions after reading the essays.

The class has had 3 writing assignments thus far. I found myself anxious and filled with doubt when doing the assignments; however, my grades on the papers haven't been too bad. The first writing assignment was a summary worth 25 points; I scored 23 points. I figured that out to be 92 percent (by the way, I am not math genius, so please correct me if I am wrong). The next writing assignment was a paraphrase. Again worth 25 points; I scored 22 points. That would be 88 percent. I just received the Critical Analysis that I turned in, and that was worth a total of 50 points; I was so relieved that I had earned 46 points. That would be 92 percent.

The instructor has given me confidence in my writing ability so far this semester. Now I begin my journey on starting to work on my research paper. This research paper is on a topic of my choice. Of course, there are some topics that are off limits. This will have to be an argumentative research paper. I have a few ideas on what I might want to research and write about. Please fill free to send me any ideas that come to mind that you might think would be a good research topic. So far the topics I have thought about is Global Warming and the Polar Bears; of course the recent topics that have been in the news such as: the stimulus package, the Illinois governor's recent unveiling on the budget and wanting to raise our state income tax from 3 to 4.5 percent.

I have enjoyed my first 8 weeks of class and look forward to finishing it up. I am planning on taking a class during the summer, and registration starts at the end of March. I am leaning on taking the Speech class that I need.

As the semester progresses I will try and post updates, but there will be no guarantee that it will happen.

Monday, February 23, 2009

A little window decorating of my own

Happy Spring!!
I don't have the expertise that my sister has when it comes to window decorating. Of course, her windows are to display items she has in her store. I don't sell anything, so what I am displaying is Spring. I am so ready for Spring to arrive, and I know we only have about 3 more weeks of winter. Though, knowing how the weather works around these parts, it can snow in April. I decided to dress up my work window by my work area to bring in the colors of spring. This isn't the best picture, but trying to get a good photo is hard when it is clear glass.

You can find these gel clings at many stores. I just so happen to get these at Menards, thanks to my daughter who informed that the store carried them. I don't know if you can see all of the gel clings, but I have lady bugs, butterflies, tulips, flowers and clouds. Also there is Tigger with an Easter basket and egg.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

I was feeling a little sorry for myself.

I never liked being home by myself when I was younger. To this day, I still don't like being home by myself. Well, I am home by myself this weekend. Larry's boss offered him and the guys at work a trip to Vegas. Yep, Vegas. Yep, Larry went. Yep, I am home alone this weekend.

At first I was feeling sorry for myself. The fact that Larry was off having fun without me. I didn't like that at all. I still don't like it, but I can't change that because he is in Vegas, and I am not.

I decided to go and have a few things done for myself. Nothing major, just little pick me ups. I had my ears pierce again. This would be my 3rd set of holes. That hurt a tad, but not that much. Then I went and had my nails done. It has been a year since I had them done last. I had the lady keep them short so I can still bowl. I will see how well I do on Tuesday.

I am just wondering how long it will take Larry to notice the things I had done. Do anyone want to take a stab at it on how long he will notice? I will say 3 days?

Just in case you are wondering. I am no longer feeling sorry for myself. Life is good!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

This is my Marley

If you have read Marley and Me, and are an owner of a dog that misbehaves, I think you will be able to relate to this most recent behavior upset we encountered with our dog. This is our version of Marley but, his name is Lincoln. Lincoln is our one and a half year old golden retriever. He can be very destructive when he wants to be. The picture above is when Lincoln is on his best behavior. Lincoln misbehaves when we are not home (we believe it is because he is bored and has nothing better to do).

When he was about 8 months old my husband and I thought Lincoln could handle being in the kitchen alone while we were away at work. Low and behold we were WRONG! If you look closely you can see in the picture below that Lincoln had decided to chew on our cabinets. Larry and I were not happy. We have only been in our home 3 years. He did not only chew on the cabinets but, the base molding, corner round molding, and the corners of certain walls in the kitchen.

After the first chewing episode with Lincoln we thought it would be best that he go back into his cage for awhile. We didn't want him destroying anything else in the kitchen. So for the next couple of months Lincoln had to spend the days while we were at work back in his cage. So, in December we decided to give him a little more freedom, again. We want to be able to have Lincoln have to run of the house; however, without damaging it. This will not be the case any time soon.
This next photo is his most recent damage to the house. What can I say except Lincoln loves the taste of drywall. This just happened on Thursday. Needless to say he has not grown out of chewing on the wall. Lets just say the kitchen area is going to be the only area he will be allow to roam in when we are not home.

A little more time grinding his teeth against the drywall he would have gone all the way through.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Strawberry Cheesecake Lar's Favorite

I happen to be married to a man who loves food. I think food is so overrated. When he talks about food he enjoys or would like to try his eyes get so big and he get a grin that goes from ear to ear. I made his favorite dessert, Strawberry Cheesecake. I do not make it often. He usually eats the entire cheesecake by himself; however, not all in one sitting. If there could be a way to share via the computer, I would be more than happy to cut you slice to try. Enjoy :)

Thursday, January 15, 2009

A little more about me...

I have now been blogging for about a week. I am getting a little more comfortable each time I write. For me, this is good. Now I would like to share a little more about myself and my family.

I am married and have been married for 3 years to Larry. I have 3 children (from my first marriage) and 3 step children. Our children are all adults. My children live with their father. Larry's children are out on their own. Larry and I have a dog and a cat. Lincoln who is a golden retriever, and Millie our domestic house cat.

I work full time and have been going back to school part time to earn my Associates Degree. I am looking to go into Human Services. At this point in time, I would like to become a school counselor (this could change as I continue my schooling). I have been wanting to go back to school for a long time now but never "bit the bullet". It wasn't until last fall when I became serious about returning to school. I have completed English 101 and Psychology 100. This spring I will be taking one class, and that will be English 102. My class starts on January 21. I have mixed feelings about class starting up. I am excited, but yet I am nervous. I know the nervousness will pass once class starts up.

I enjoy bowling and I am on a bowling league with my husband. We bowl once a week. I hold an average of 155. My highest game so far is a 256. My highest series is 665. So far I have had only one 600 series game. I am looking to surpass my highest game and series. That hasn't happen yet this season.

School's closed

I live in a Midwest state, and the weather has been very brutal this winter so far. To think we still have at least 2 months left of winter. This is the 2nd emergency school closing we have had so far this school year. The first closing was due to the foot of snow we received, and this one today is because of the temperature. This morning the temperature is sitting at -15 degrees. The high temperature that is expected for today will be a -3. That is without the wind chill factor. This cold weather will be around until tomorrow. I am a 12 month school employee and is expected to report to work on emergency school closing days; however, today I have opted to take a vacation day. This is not normally how I would spend a vacation day, but I would rather be in the comfort of my own home on a extremely cold bone chilling day like today. I can not remember the last time the temperature has gotten this low. I like most people (there are some that enjoy the winter months) am ready for spring to get here.

Todays Forecast

H:-3° L:-19°

Monday, January 12, 2009

I've been tagged

Wow, it didn't take long before I was tagged. I want to thank my wonderful sister for tagging me :) The 4th picture in the 4th folder happens to be of my Aunt Sharon. This picture was taken at my mom's 75th surprise birthday party that my sister, dad and I had planned. I can honestly say I don't remember what was going on in this picture (I call that a junior moment). I don't recall taking this photo; however, I wonder if my sister would be able to shed some light and recall what may have been taking place at the time this picture was snapped.

If it weren't for words of encouragement

I never thought I would consider myself to be a blogger, but as my sister made the announcement, I am now a blogger. I don't think I would of been able to do this without the support and encouragement that I have received from my sister. I want to thank my sister for all of her help with getting me started. Thanks Sis! I love you!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Meet Lincolnshire for Hire

Lincoln is a pure bred golden retriever. He is like a child and requires a lot of attention. Like a child he has several toys, and when given the chance he has them all over the house, especially after the front room has just been cleaned. He is a handful at times, but I wouldn't trade him for anything. Lincoln will be 2 in May, and I have to honestly say I miss him being a little pup. Lincoln thinks he is a human and claims this kitchen chair as his own.

Ashley and Chuck's Baby Shower 2-12-12