Saturday, April 25, 2009

You know it's Spring When....

everything comes alive!

This is my favorite season! Spring, when all of the plant life is waking up and coming to life. Each plant and tree supplying us with the most spectacular color! That beats the drab and gray during the winter that seem to last so long this year. I didn't think Spring would ever arrive!
Some of the tulips that I had planted should be opening up by the end of the weekend. I look forward to the tulips opening up! When I first planted this tulips I only grouped 5 bulbs together. Tulip bulbs reproduce every year; now there are 10. I have planted by the front of the house about 7 groups. I group the tulips like this so that each year it looks like a bouquet. The color of these tulips happen to be a very deep purple. I have other tulips planted around the house, but the colors are mixed. I plan on planting more tulips this fall. I am looking towards planting specific colors.
This happens to be my favorite plant of all. The bleeding heart plant. This one that is closest to the house happened to grow the best. It has so many hearts on the plant that I am just in awe.

More bleeding hearts! Each year the plant gets hardier and produces more hearts. It send chills to me as I see this beautiful plant in bloom.

This is just a larger view of the plant. I definitely don't have a green thumb for indoor plants; however, I don't seem to have any trouble with the items that have been planted outside. Thank goodness for the rain and the sun; otherwise I will be in trouble for sure with the outdoor plants!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Middle of April

I can't believe it is the middle of April. Where is the time going? I often want to go from March right on into May and skip the month of April. April is my most stressful month. It is testing time during the month of April for High Schools in Illinois. It is mandated by the state of Illinois that all juniors in high school have to take the Prairie State Achievement Exams (PSAE) as a graduation requirement. This year the testing dates fall in the 3rd week of April. In my responsibilities at work, the PSAE is one I really wish could fly right by. As I know, that is not possible. It is a very time consuming task. I usually start preparing for the PSAE in November/December.

To add even more onto myself, I am enrolled in my English 102 class. I enjoy my class; however, I have to start working on my research paper. I know I need to find a balance between work and my class, but I have been struggling to do so. I am the type of person that panics first; however, I know somehow someway everything works out. It always does, and I am always in awe on how things get completed. To be honest all the days just blend together and before I know it the month has gone by. Like now it is the middle of April.

If you don't see a lot of blogs (not that I blogged all that much) from me this month, you know that I am either buried with work or school work. Happy April!

Ashley and Chuck's Baby Shower 2-12-12